Sunday, February 28, 2010

Triplets are 6 months old!

Happy 6 month birthday precious girls!!!

From their 4 month well baby visit to their 6 month visit here is how they have each changed...

Allie went from 9 lbs 2 oz & 21 inches to 11 lbs 6 oz & 23 inches!!!

Norah went from 9 lbs 6 oz & 21 1/4 inches to 11 lbs 11 oz & 24 3/4 inches!!!
Olivia went from 9 lbs 4 oz & 21 1/4 inches to 11 lbs 6 oz & 23 inches!!!
We are so thankful for the great progress they are making. At 5 months they each started sleeping in their cribs. That's been a nice change from sleeping in the living room in bouncy seats (due to reflux). Each started smiling and "talking" this past month. Makes all this work SO rewarding!!! Olivia has come a long way with her physical therapy. Allie is doing so well with her airway issues and Norah is just a strong, healthy girl. It's amazing how incredibly different they are from each other. Even Allie and Norah have totally different personalities.

Olivia LOVES to sleep and loves sucking her thumb.

Norah LOVES attention and will squeal to get it.

Allie LOVES to talk in a soft, sweet tone.

We are well on our way to sleeping through the night. We have changed bottles from Avent to Dr. Brown's which is allowing them to easily take 5 oz each feeding. They eat every 3 hours during the day and most nights will do one 5 hr stretch (but sometimes only 4 hours). We cannot wait for a full nights sleep!!! Our goal is to have them sleeping through the night by 4 months adjusted which is March 16th. We'll keep you posted.

Thanks for praying for us and our family. Thank you for the meals, the donated baby items, the nighttime, evening and daytime help. Whatever you have done for has not gone unnoticed or unappreciated! THANK YOU!

The Vetor's

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

I'm not sure what I have been doing to keep me away from updating our blog recently. Just busy raising 4 kids under 4 years old, I guess. The girls are all fighting their first "bug" of the winter. It started with Allie's nasty ear infection and has turned into 3 girls with yucky noses, yucky diapers, low grade fevers and lots of fussiness which equals LOTS OF FUN...not! However, other than this past week of not feeling well...they really are doing well. We get LOTS of smiles everyday. Olivia is our happy, content girl. She's just fine doing her own thing, sucking on her thumb. (Our 1st thumb sucker!) Norah is our talker....jabber, jabber, jabber all day long. She cat naps and when she wakes up she'll holler for attention. She's not fussy but demands someone pay attention to her. Allie is so in between Olivia and Norah's personalities but equally as sweet...probably our best cuddler.

Right around their 5 month birthday we transitioned them to their nursery and cribs. That has been a good transition. We are still sleeping in the nursery...taking shifts. We'll get to the point where Nick and I can sleep in the same bed again and start using our awesome video monitors (gifts from our great, prayerful friends The Senefeld's).

We saw their Developmental Pediatrician this week and their weights are:

Allie: 10 lbs. 10 oz.
Norah: 11 lbs. 4 oz.
Olivia: 10 lbs. 11 oz.

They will be 6 months old on Feb. 23rd which seems impossible. In just 2 more days they will be 3 months "adjusted". I feel like their behavior and activity falls somewhere in between their real and adjusted ages.

We are still on lock down until spring. I'm going nuts inside these 4 walls but it's been well worth keeping them healthy...away from H1N1, RSV and other seasonal germs. We'll get out someday...and then we'll start taking walks, going on car rides to visit family & friends...oh I get so excited just thinking about getting out of the house with 3 babies, 3 infant seats, bottles, bottles, bottles, diapers, diapers, diapers, spare clothes, burp rags, pacifiers...and of course Nick and Ryan too.

I promise to post new pictures soon!

Love, Stacie