Well, it has been a long week in the Vetor home. Ryan was a very brave boy going into surgery last Friday, Feb. 13th. We arrived at 7am, he was in the OR by 8am and done about 40 mins. later. He was 'Superman' coming out of his anesthesia. (No tears or fussing.) In recovery, he only wanted mommy, which is pretty normal for our little guy when he doesn't feel well. We were released and home by 1pm.
That weekend was exhausting but we had so many visitors and helpers all weekend. Thank to those who cooked for us, washed laundry, picked up the house and loved on Ryan to give us a little break.
I took the whole week off to be with him. I dreaded Monday because Nick had to go back to work but it was actually a great day. Tuesday and Wednesday were a different story! We've called his doctor several times and I guess this is a very typical recovery (7-10 days). He hasn't ate a meal since Monday at lunch. For our boy who loves food...this is not normal but I know his throat hurts. We are now passed 1 week and surely each day will be better and better. Maybe he can get back to his normal activities soon!
As for me and our IVF procedure, I had an ultrasound Thurs., Feb. 12th and everything looked really good. They had me start Follistim (stimulation drug) on Friday the 13th twice a day. I returned on Wed. the 18th for more blood work and ultrasound to find out that my ovary is responding very well as there were numerous follicles growing at great rates. I then had ultrasounds and blood work yesterday (20th) and this morning (21st) and it looks like my retrieval will probably be MONDAY MORNING! That should be confirmed later today when they call with my results. We are so excited!!! It's been a blessing to be home with Ryan, although exhausting, it has forced me to relax with him, nap, etc.
Please keep me and our family in your prayers this next week. We hope Ryan will be back to 100% and able to return to his sitter's around Wed. of this week. If my retrieval is Monday the transfer could be as early as Thursday. This is ALL in God's hands! Please pray for guidance and wisdom for Nick and I.
We love you!
The Vetor's