Friday, January 30, 2009

The Cade Foundation has posted information on the 2010 Family Building Grant. It looks like the applications will be posted to their website starting on July 15, 2009 and will remain available until the due date of September 15, 2009. Most likely the recipients will be notified in mid-late November. If you know of any families struggling with infertility who could benefit from this grant PLEASE forward this website,, to them and encourage them to apply when the time comes. Remember this grant offers struggling families up to $10,000 for domestic adoption or fertility treatment.

We will also be posting a website soon and looking for volunteers to help out at our fundraising events. What we do in 2009 will make a BIG difference in how many families the Cade Foundation is able to help in 2010. Will you be a part of that???
Our first event will most likely be in April or May. We want to host a LARGE garage sale using a public parking lot (church hopefully) in order to gain the best exposure. We will need volunteers to donate items to sell as well as helpers to set up, work the sale and clean up. This will most likely be a Friday & Saturday event. Bigger events to come but this will be a quick way to start our fundraising!!!
We are excited!!! PS: Shots start Sunday (Super Bowl Sunday)!!!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Channel 6 News Interview - 1/22/09

The Cade Foundation contacted Indy's Channel 6 news asking for an interview. They graciously accepted and did a fantastic job of getting our story out in Indiana. Click on the link below to see the video footage of our story that first aired at 11 pm on Thursday, Jan. 22nd. We hope to be able to promote our foundation fundraiser through Channel 6 in the next few months.

Here is a copy of the article that was also posted with our video (courtesy of The Indy Channel, RTV 6 News)

INDIANAPOLIS -- Many couples who desperately want to be parents find themselves in an emotionally grueling struggle, but an Indiana family wants others to know that financial help is available. Infertility issues affect more than 6 million people in the U.S. -- about one in seven couples, 6News' Tanya Spencer reported.

The Tinina Cade Foundation, a first of its kind organization dedicated to helping with the financial struggle of conceiving, helped Nick and Stacie Vetor. From the time they got together, the Vetors knew they wanted a big family. "It was something we never doubted we would do, that we would always be parents," Stacie Vetor said. A medical condition initially kept them from realizing that dream, but surgery allowed them to conceive Ryan, who is now 2 and a half.
A miscarriage a year ago had ended all hope that Stacie could get pregnant again naturally. Doctors suggested in-vitro fertilization.

"I don't want to say financial burden, but it's very costly," Stacie Vetor said.
The average cost in the U.S. for all the medications and a single in-vitro cycle is about $15,000, and the success rate is only 30 percent. "We just weren't sure how we were going to come up with that money," Stacie Vetor said.

Then, she stumbled across the Cade Foundation Web site. The organization was founded by a woman in Maryland who had struggled with infertility for years until her mother served as her surrogate. The woman started a grant in her mother's honor. Nine couples have received the grant so far. The Vetors are the first from Indiana. "We just didn't even know something like that even existed," Stacie Vetor said.

The Vetors are telling their story to ensure other Hoosier couples know about the resource, and they're organizing their own fundraiser in Indiana to help the nonprofit foundation grow.
"It'll be exciting to give the opportunity to future families to have this same blessing," said Nick Vetor.

Stacie will go through in-vitro in February and hope to know by mid-March if Ryan will have a baby brother or sister this year. "We were just so excited that maybe growing our family is something that could actually happen now," Stacie Vetor said.

Families can get up to $10,000 each through the grant. The money can be used for either fertility treatments or domestic adoption.

More Info: Tinina Q. Cade Foundation (

Copyright 2009 by All rights reserved.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

And the food allergy results are...

So Ryan had his blood draw on 12/31/08 for IGG and IGE food allergies. We have been anxiously awaiting the results. Ry has been off all dairy since 12/22/08. Other than on Christmas night we have not had any fits even close to what we were going through.

Anyway, the test would score 0 if there was no allergy at all. Otherwise, the scale is 1 to 4, with 4 being the highest allergy reaction.

Ryan scored 4's on...
EGGS, MILK, SOY and WHEAT! (yikes)

Ryan scored 2 on...

Ryan scored a 1 on...

Very thankfully, he scored a ZERO for dog which means Tanner can remain a happy member of our home. She and Ryan are best friends and he would be heartbroken if she was gone. We aren't sure how we will adjust our diets to all of this new information. We have a follow up with his doctor on Feb. 3rd and we'll see what he suggests. The dairy free diet has been an adjustment for us, the sitter and grandparents BUT it has made such a difference for him. So we will see...stay tuned! :)

Friday, January 16, 2009

Recovered and ready for shots...

Thanks to everyone for all the love and help during and after my surgery. I am recovering well and finally feeling back to normal. We greatly appreciate the help with Ryan, wonderful meals and especially the housekeeping...THANK YOU, THANK YOU!

My surgeon has released me from his care and he is comfortable with me getting pregnant. Shots now officially start Feb. 1st (Super Bowl Sunday). I will learn more about the IVF timeline this Thursday (22nd) when I go for my shot training. Everything is based on my cycle. If all goes well maybe we'll be doing a transfer in March!!! I will keep you posted on any new news.

We appreciate your prayers. We are hoping for the BEST outcome...a pregnancy!

We love you all!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

"Appe" New Year to Stacie!

Well, what a way to start the new year. Nick took me to the ER on Saturday morning around 6 am for severe abdominal pain. After a CT scan around 9:45 am they said I had an acute appendicitis and emergency surgery was necessary before it ruptured. (Nice!) So, I was taken into surgery around 3 pm and in recovery around 4 pm. The surgeon did it laporscopically and was able to remove the appendix safely as well as look at my left side to validate that IVF is the best option for us (which we were sure of but another confirmation is always great).

Let me give you a run down of how bad December & January are to The Vetor's:
Jan 30, 2005 - Nick rushed by ambulance and admitted for 3 days for double pneumonia
Jan 3, 2006 - Stacie taken to ER for constant vomiting (I was pregnant for Ryan and very sick)
Dec 30 & 31, 2006 - Stacie taken to ER 2 days in a row for CT scans due to severe sinus infection
Jan 4, 2007 - Stacie's ectopic miscarriage
Jan 3, 2009 - Stacie's appe.

The down side to this surgery is that my shots will not be able to start this week. :( In fact, our whole IVF treatment will probably get held off one full cycle. I am supposed to be off work for one week (which stinks b/c I've basically been off since Christmas and was ready to get back at it...and make some money). But, I need to rest so that recovery is speedy and IVF is not further delayed. I see the surgeon in about 2 weeks. Hopefully there will be no infections or complications so that our RE (Reproductive Endocrinologist) can plan to begin our shots just a few weeks later.

Please pray for my recovery. (I am feeling OK...just sore.) Ryan really missed his mommy but came to visit me last evening at the hospital. We know that God has a plan in EVERYTHING so we are not discouraged that our timeline got screwed up by this surgery. I am so thankful that this happened before I am pregnant or even on shots b/c all the drugs, etc. could have caused concern or complications.

With all that said, "Happy New Year to you and your family!"