Thursday, July 30, 2009
Community I come!
Last Thursday I definitely overdid it with work appointments and other things. I felt terrible for 2 days and had some contractions which really scared me. I spent two days in bed and drank tons of water. I was able to enjoy our family shower on Sunday (hosted by our wonderful sisters). But that was how Nick and I came to the conclusion that it is time to be admitted and not risk it anymore. You can imagine that while at home it's easy to continue helping with the demands of a 3 yr old who doesn't understand why mommy can't go up and down the stairs. Plus there's always something to do at home...
So email me or call if you would like to visit me. I will probably need a day or two to settle in and adjust. Thankfully, Nick is taking Monday off to stay with me all day (awwww). I love him! He's been such a wonderful supporter through this pregnancy, which I have to say has been much harder on me than carrying Ryan.
Be prepared for frequent posts not only here but on Facebook. I will be bored. Hopefully there won't be much activity at the hospital from a pregnancy standpoint but I will keep everyone posted.
Keep each of us (Nick, Stacie and Ryan) in your prayers as we are apart for what could be several months. It will be a hard adjustment for each of us. Nick will feel more pressure being torn between me and Ryan but I know he will do an amazing job balancing it all.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Roche Baby Shower
We received our pack n play with a DOUBLE bassinet, large diaper bag, diaper cake, many triplet jammie sets and a Walmart gift card.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
With God All Things Are Possible!
Nick and I are confident that we didn't get here (22 weeks pregnant with triplets) by chance. We were very limited (other than divine intervention) as to how we could ever conceive again. And whether or not that was even God's desire for us. We have clearly seen His answers.
First, God provided the grant money to make IVF an option for us financially. Second, God provided two healthy embryos from our procedure and allowed them to successfully start to grow within me. And finally, only by God's power, one embryo split into identical twins (monoamniotic twins). We have a story to share but more importantly we believe that these little girls have a story, just like Ryan who is a miracle too! We are confident that through our situation we will be able to touch others and pray we will raise these girls and Ryan to make a big difference in this world. It would do no good to worry about all the "what if's" that we aren't in control of. So we are calm because we believe Jesus wants them here for a reason! He is providing our peace.
We definitely still have a way to go before we get to meet the 3 of them so please continue your faithful prayers for my body and these babies. "With God All Things ARE Possible!" We have seen that first hand.
Dates & pregnancy goals to pray for:
28 week mark - Aug 24th (right now this is our biggest focus!)
30 week mark - Sept 7th
32 week mark - Sept 21st
34 week mark - Oct 5th
The Vetor Family ~ Nick, Stacie, Ryan and baby girls
Monday, July 13, 2009
Our big 3 yr old boy is now officially potty trained. Another huge celebration in the Vetor home! He's loving the water this summer which is a big change from his previous summers. Ryan loves to jump into daddy's arms from the side of the pool. He could do this for hours which really is exhausting for Nick.
We also got to take a quick trip to Kings Island in late June. (Don't worry, I was pushed in a wheelchair all day.) But I loved watching Ryan enjoy himself with daddy. He loved the rides and seeing some of his favorite characters like Dora the Explorer. It was a really great family day with beautiful weather and I was blessed with a day that I felt really good.
Thanks so much to all of you for your continued love and prayers. We have been blessed with a very healthy pregnancy even in a high risk situation. We have amazing doctors watching over me and the babies. We have a care conference next Tuesday to determine what happens from here and when I will be admitted to the hospital, most likely in early Aug. This will be a hard adjustment for each of us (me, Nick and Ryan) to be apart for so long BUT it's necessary for the sake of these little girls. So please continue your prayers for my health and each of the girls. Continue to pray that B & C do not get their cords tangled and do not have to be delivered any earlier than necessary.
Thanks so much,