These past few days have been emotionally and physically hard for us. We are back home. It's so hard leaving the girls at the hospital and feeling like we are just moving on. Ryan has missed us so much and won't let us out of his sight. I think he's afraid we'll be gone for a long time again. Nick went back to work...his wonderful co-workers helped keep up on his work while he was away so that he wouldn't be overwhelmed when he returned...what a blessing! Now our NICU visits are pretty limited to evenings.
We continue to worry about Olivia's infection and all the things going on in her little body. They believe it is some type of staph infection in her blood. We know so many of you are praying for her and praying for a miracle to get rid of this infection quickly. Please continue. They are still waiting for the cultures to come back to tell them exactly what is going on. Her left lung collapsed, which they are treating and watching closely. They are suctioning lots of secretions off her lungs. These nurses are amazing and we know she is in the best hands. One of her doctors shared with us last evening that on Sunday she felt strongly about putting Olivia on a 3rd antibiotic, one she hadn't been using, and when the first cultures came back, this was actually the antibiotic she needed. God is good! They can treat it more specifically when the new cultures come back today or tomorrow.
With Norah and Allie no news is good news! They are behaving for their nurses. It's hard for me to get too excited about how they are doing. I feel like my guard is up so that if/when a set back happens it won't be too shocking or upsetting. Not that we are being negative but the nurses and doctors have prepared us that each baby will have set backs here and there. They have both been handling their breast milk very well and their feedings were increased. Norah is back to her birth weight and Allie is 2 oz over her birth weight...so exciting to us!
Again, thank you for praying for our family and adding us to so many prayer chains!
Love, The Vetor Family
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