First of all, thank you to all of my visitors both family and friends. You've helped each day go a little faster for me. Thank you for the little gifts (books, magazines, sweets, lunch, etc.) Sorry for the long delay between posts. I have been hospitalized 2 full weeks now. WOW! Lots has taken place (good and bad)! Let me give you a quick recap on the last two weeks.
Mon 8/3 - admitted and on monitoring all day of adjustment!
Tues 8/4 - monitoring reduced to every 4 hours around the clock for 30 mins at a time.
Fri 8/7 - monitoring reduced to every 4 hours while night time monitoring!
Sun 8/9 - late at night Baby B had some heart beat decels that were scary...put back on 24/7 monitoring until Mon afternoon. When I was really worried I opened my Bible and happened to read Psalm was exactly what I needed to hear and I felt peace in that moment.
Mon 8/10 - OB made rounds and said Baby B looked good, variable decels in heart beat are expected at this gestational age. (Gave us some comfort to know that.) Monitoring changed to every 4 hours around the clock but for 1 hour each time. Baby weights done by ultrasound (see below).
Wed 8/12 - Enjoyed attending support group for bed rest moms here at the hospital. Had another triplet mom (w/ 1 yr old boys) visit me. That was special. Then some drama erupted when OB said other docs weren't comfortable caring for my high risk situation. Upsetting evening but my Bunco girls were here to cheer me up!
Thurs 8/13 - Still working with OB and hospital administration to work everything out regarding "on call" docs.
Fri 8/14 - It was determined the best case scenario to our situation was to transfer me from our wonderful OB to our wonderful high risk doc. She will now be my primary caregiver. She changed me to 24/7 monitoring permanently. (VERY HARD ADJUSTMENT)
Sat 8/15 - Enjoyed web cam provided by Maternal Fetal Medicine to talk with Nick, Ryan and other family while out of town celebrating grandparents 80th birthdays.
Sun 8/16 - Again enjoyed web cam so I could watch everyone at Taylor's (my niece) 1st birthday party.
Mon 8/17 - Hit the 27 week mark! Every day they stay inside = 2 less days in NICU so just in the 14 days I've been here has bought them almost a month less time in worth every day.
Nick is up here every day over his lunch and he brings Ryan up almost every night. I miss my guys SO much. I get a 15 min. shower every other day and (2) 30 min. wheelchair rides each day. I have ultrasounds from Maternal Fetal Medicine every Monday and Friday.
Mon 8/10 - Baby weights - all almost 2 lbs
Baby A - 2 lbs. 1 oz.
Baby B - 1 lb. 14 oz.
Baby C - 1 lb. 15 oz.
We are all hanging in there. Next Monday is a huge hurdle ~ 28 weeks! (Hope to post some new pictures soon.) THANK YOU for the continued prayers. Don't stop now...we feel your love and prayers and definitely need them to get through this time as a family and to keep these babies safe inside.
2 months ago
Thanks for the updates! I have several people that I am keeping in the loop on your progress. You are such a trooper and are doing great! Remember, God knew you had it in you to do this!